will add a select menu to the bot’s message.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
index | number | In which actionRow the selectMenu appears, a selectMenu requires one whole row for it alone. | true |
type | string | The component type. 1. string 2. user 3. role 4. mentionable 5. channel | true |
customID | string | The component custom ID. | true |
placeHolder | string | SelectMenu Placeholder Text. | true |
minValues | number | SelectMenu minimal value of selectable options | true |
maxValues | number | SelectMenu maximal value of selectable options | true |
disabled | boolean | If the selectMenu will appear as disabled 1. true 2. false (default) | true |
options | string | Select menu options separated by each other with ; and : . | false |
This adds a select menu with two functions: