will return the amount of commands.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
type? | string | The command type. | true |
Command Types |
loop |
pulse |
join |
leave |
ready |
autoModCreate |
autoModDelete |
autoModUpdate |
autoModActionExecution |
awaited |
banAdd |
banRemove |
channelCreate |
channelDelete |
channelPinsUpdate |
channelUpdate |
emojiCreate |
emojiDelete |
emojiUpdate |
functionError |
guildJoin |
guildLeave |
guildUnavailable |
guildUpdate |
interaction |
inviteCreate |
inviteDelete |
memberAvailable |
memberUpdate |
membersChunk |
messageDelete |
messageDeleteBulk |
messageUpdate |
modal |
presenceUpdate |
rateLimit |
reactionAdd |
reactionRemove |
reactionRemoveAll |
reactionRemoveEmoji |
roleCreate |
roleDelete |
roleUpdate |
shardDisconnect |
shardError |
shardReady |
shardReconnecting |
shardResume |
stageInstanceCreate |
stageInstanceDelete |
stageInstanceUpdate |
stickerCreate |
stickerDelete |
stickerUpdate |
threadCreate |
threadDelete |
threadListSync |
threadMemberUpdate |
threadMembersUpdate |
threadUpdate |
timeout |
typingStart |
userUpdate |
variableCreate |
variableDelete |
variableUpdate |
voiceStateUpdate |
webhooksUpdate |
applicationCmdCreate |
applicationCmdDelete |
applicationCmdPermissionsUpdate |
applicationCmdUpdate |
selectMenu |
slash |
default |
This will return the the amount of your commands:
1client.command({2 name: "commandsCount",3 code: `4 $commandsCount5 `6});