will create a new guild role.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
guildID | number | The ID of the guild where the role will be created in. | true |
name | string | The name of the new role. | true |
color | number | The color of the new role. | true |
position? | number | The position of the role, 1 being the very bottom. | false |
icon? | string | The image URL that will be used as icon. | false |
hoist? | boolean | If the new role should be hoisted. | false |
unicodeEmoji? | string | The unicodeEmoji that will be used as icon. | false |
mentionable? | boolean | If the role is mentionable by @everyone . | false |
returnID? | boolean | Return the ID of the newly created role? | false |
reason? | number | The reason that will be displayed in the guilds’ audit logs. | false |
…permissions? | string | Permissions the role will have. | false |
This will create a new role called “Bird” in the color of red:
1client.command({2 name: "createRole",3 code: `4 $createRole[$guildID;Bird;FF0000;1;;false;❤;false;false;Some reason!;sendmessages;addreactions]`5});