will return properties about an given embed.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
channelID | number | ID of the channel where the message is located in. | true |
messageID | number | The ID of the message that has an embed. | true |
index | number | The index of the embed. | true |
option | string | The option to fetch. | true |
Type | Description |
title | Title of the embed. |
description | Description of the embed. |
url | The URL in the title. |
color | Color of the embed. |
timestamp | Timestamp located in the footer. |
field(index).name / field1.name | Field title. |
field(index).value / field1.value | Field description. |
thumbnail | Thumbnail (image top right). |
image | Large image at the bottom. |
video | Video/GIF. |
authorname | Author content, above title field. |
authorurl | Author url, above title field. |
authoricon | Author icon, above title field besides author content |
footertext | Footer text. |
footericon | Footer icon, besides footer. |
files | Attached files. |
createdAt | Creation date of the embed. |
hexColor | Hex color of the embed. |
length | Length of the embed. |
This will return the description of an embed:
1client.command({2 name: "getEmbed",3 code: `4$getEmbed[$channelID;messageID;1;description]5 ` // make sure to replace messageID with the actual message ID6});