will check if the user has one of the required permission in the given channel.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
channelD | number | ID of the channel where the client checks the permissions. | true |
userOrRoleID | number | ID of the user or role. | true |
…perms | string | Permissions. | true |
Discord API Permissions
Permission | |
createinvite | Permission to create guild invites |
kick | Permission to kick guild members |
ban | Permission to ban guild members |
administrator | Administrator Permissions |
managechannel | Permission to manage guild channels |
manageguild | Permissions to modify server settings |
addreactions | Permissions to add reactions |
viewauditlog | Permission to view the guild’s audit log |
priorityspeaker | Priority Speaker |
stream | Permission to stream in voice channels |
viewchannel | Permission to view a certain channel |
sendmessages | Permission to send messages in a certain channel |
sendtts | Permission to send Text-To-Speech messages |
managemessages | Permission to manage messages |
embedlinks | Permission to embed links |
attachfiles | Permission to attach files |
readmessagehistory | Permission to read the message history within a certain channel |
mentioneveryone | Permission to mention @everyone and all roles |
externalemojis | Permission to use external emojis |
viewguildinsights | Permission to view guild insights |
connect | Permission to connect to voice channels and stages |
mutemembers | Permission to mute members in voice channels |
deafenmembers | Permission to deafen members in voice channels |
movemembers | Permission to move members between voice channels |
usevad | Permission to use voice-activity-detection |
changenickname | Permission to change your own nickname |
managenicknames | Permission to manage other members nicknames |
manageroles | Permission to manage roles |
managewebhooks | Permission to manage webhooks |
manageemojisandstickers | Permission to manage emojis and stickers |
useappcmds | Permission to use application commands |
requesttospeak | Permission to use request-to-speak in stages |
manageevents | Permission to manage events |
managethreads | Permission to manage threads |
usepublicthreads | Permission to use public threads |
useprivatethreads | Permission to use private threads |
createpublicthreads | Permission to create public threads |
createprivatethreads | Permission to create private threads |
externalstickers | Permission to use extrernal stickers |
sendmessageinthreads | Permission to send messages in threads |
startembeddedactivities | Permission to start activities within voice channels |
moderatemembers | Permission to timeout and remove timeouts from guild members |
This will return true
when the author has send messages
permissions and return false
when they don’t have those:
1client.command({2 name: "hasPermsInChannel",3 code: `4 $hasPermsInChannel[$channelID;$authorID;sendmessages]5 `6});