will create a reaction collector on a given message.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
channelID | number | channel ID | true |
messageID | number | message ID | true |
userFilter | string | to what the bot will reply 1. everyone 2. specific user ID - any user ID | true |
time | string | when the command expires | true |
reactions | string | reactions, you can separate multiple emojis with a comma ( “ ) | true |
awaitedCommands | string | commands to execute, you can separate multiple emojis with a comma ( “ ) | true |
removeReaction? | string | remove the reactions after the commands executed | false |
awaitData? | string | awaited data | false |
endAwait? | string | end awaited command / awaited command to execute when timer ends | false |
This will send a message when you add a reaction:
1client.command({2 name: "reactionCollector",3 code: `4 $reactionCollector[$channelID;$splitText[1];$authorID;10m;👀;awaitReaction;;true]5 $textSplit[$sendMessage[React with "👀" for something special!;true]; ]6 `7});8
9client.awaitedCommand({10 name: "awaitReaction",11 code: `12 $sendMessage[👀 what's this?]13 `14});