will send a message using an existing webhook.
Field | Type | Description | Required |
webhookID | number | The webhook ID. | true |
webhookToken | string | The webhook Token. | true |
content | string | The content of the message to send. | true |
returnID? | boolean | Return message ID? 1. true 2. false (default) | false |
This will create a webhook and send a message using it:
1client.command({2 name: "sendWebhookMessage",3 code: `4 $sendWebhookMessage[$splitText[1];$splitText[2];Hello!;false]5 $textSplit[$createWebhook[$channelID;$username;$userAvatar;Testing!;,];,]6 ` /* Using $textSplit to split the ID and Token in separate parts to use it in sendWebhookMessage7 $splitText[1] equals the webhook ID8 $splitText[2] equals the webhook Token9 */10});