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ExtraOptions/Options Parser Functions

{execute:awaitedCommand} // executes an awaited command
{reply:messageId:reply?} // replies to a given message
{interaction} // declares reply as an interaction
{ephemeral} // declares interaction as ephemeral
{reactions:...reactions} // adds reactions to a message
{attachment:attachmentName:attachment} // sends file, image as attachment
{file:fileName:content} // creates a text file with the given content
{deleteCommand} // deletes the command which was used to execute the command
{deleteIn:time} // deletes the given reply within the provided time
{suppress} // suppress the output

These parser can only be used within specific functions, for example: $sendMessage, $channelSendMessage or similar. This includes functions like $onlyIf.

Embed Parser

Embed Parser are handy to use once you know how, this section will be covering the basics about embed parsers.

Embed Parser Functions

{title:text} // Adds title to the embed.
{url:URL} // Adds clickable link to the title.
{description:text} // Adds description to the embed.
{color:...} // Adds color to the side of the embed.
{footer:text:icon?} // Adds footer to the embed with either small image on the left of the footer or none.
{image:URL} // Adds big image at the bottom of the embed.
{thumbnail:URL} // Adds a small image in the right-upper-corner.
{author:name:icon?} // Adds text above the title with either a small icon on the left or none.
{authorURL:URL} // Adds clickable link to the author.
{field:title:value:inline? (true / false)} // Adds fields to the embed, which is either inline or not.
{timestamp:ms?} // Adds a timestamp to the embed.

Components Parser

Button Parser


Terminal window
{button:label:style:customID:disabled? (true / false):emoji?}

Button Types

Link5grey, navigates to a URL{button:Button:link:https\\}
Emoji-primary button with emoji{button:Button:primary:customID:false:emojiName or emojiID or emoji String}

Select Menu Parser

Select Menu Parser Usage:

{selectMenu:customID:placeholder:minValue:maxValue:default(true / false):...options}
{stringInput:optionName:customID:optionDescription:default? (true / false):emoji?}
// for every option you want to add to the select menu, you can use the following:

Interaction Modal Parser

Interaction Modal Parser Usage:

Terminal window
{textInput:label:style:customID:required? (true / false):placeholder?:minLength?:maxLength?:defaultValue?}

Parsers Examples

Below are simple examples of each parser and how to use them.

Embed Parser

Embed with title, footer, image and field.

Terminal window
{newEmbed:{title:Another Awesome Example !}{image:}{field:This is a field title!:And a field description which is not inline!:false}{footer:Example #2}}

Components Parser

Button Parser

Two buttons each one in a different row.

Terminal window

Three buttons, one with emoji.

Terminal window

Select Menu Parser

Single-Select Menu with two options

Terminal window

Multi-Select Menu with three options and a maximum of 2 selectable options

Terminal window

User-Select Menu

Terminal window

Interaction Modal Parser

Modal with two fields one being normal sized and the other being bigger.

Terminal window